Spain Explained

A guide for foreigners on every aspect of safe property ownership in Spain

Posts filtered by Life in Spain

Taking care of your credit cards in Spain

Last updated on September 13th, 2019 at 09:11 am. The main message is to prevent your credit cards being stolen in Spain in the first place. Take precautions, be vigilant and apply some common sense measures and it is unlikely that you will have your property stolen. However, theft can be a theft problem in […]

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High Spanish water bills

Last updated on September 13th, 2019 at 09:11 am. Burst water pipes  are a winter-hazard in northern Europe.  But surely we shouldn’t be troubled with the prospect of burst pipes in the heat and humidity of Spain?  Don’t be too sure. This is an example of how water leaks can take the unsuspecting by surprise, […]

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Road rage and Spanish roundabouts

Once of the riskiest aspects of driving in Spain is negotiating Spanish roundabouts. It’s perhaps particularly confusing when the roundabout is on a dual carriageway. What baffles many used to driving in other countries is that cars often travel all the way around roundabouts in Spain in the outside lane.      On a busy day […]

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